Thursday, May 7, 2009

Soil pollution and human health

People living in areas with fertile soils are better nourished than those living in degraded soils due to the higher quantity and quality of food in the former than the latter. Likewise, people living in polluted environments are more exposed to the ill effects of pollutants. The paths of environmental contaminants leading to humans are the following (Logan, 2000):

a) Soilàcropàhuman
b) Soilàlivestockàhuman
c) Soilàcropàlivestockàhuman
d) Soilàsurface watersàfishàhuman
e) Soilàgroundwateràhuman
f) Soilàairàhuman

g) Soilàhuman

The pathways a to e are indirect links between soil and human health and are relatively well-known. The pathways f and g are direct links and are little known and understood.

Direct links between soils and human health is geophagy

Humans ingest soil either involuntarily or deliberately. For the involuntary ingestion, every person ingests at least small quantities of soil. This is because any soil adhering to the skin of fingers may be inadvertently taken in by hand-to-mouth activity. This is especially true for children who like to play outdoors and for people working outside buildings or in the fields. Soil is also an important constituent of household dust and many foods such as fruits, vegetables and tubers crops usually contain some soil particles especially in poor countries. It is estimated that an average adult ingests soil at a rate of 10 mg per day.

Geophagy is the deliberate ingestion of soil by humans and animals. It is practiced by different peoples in all continents but is most common in the tropics particularly in Africa. This phenomenon was already known in the ancient world but the first detailed scientific report about it was written by the great German naturalist and founder of geography Alexander von Humboldt during his expedition of 1799-1804 to South America. Von Humboldt observed that eating soil was practiced by the indigenous Ottomac people in the Orinoco in Venezuela. The reasons for geophagy are still being debated until now but are known to vary from place to place. These include: soil as famine food to appease the pangs of hunger, as medicine and therapeutic (recent research has shown that clay adsorbs and detoxifies toxins and has antimicrobial action), cravings and good taste especially for pregnant women, as source of mineral nutrients to correct deficiencies, and an abnormal appetite for non-food substances. But excessive soil intake can lead to death of an individual due to the toxic effects of some mineral elements like Fe. This is likely to happen if the soil is contaminated with pollutants. Ingesting soil can also cause ingestion of eggs of parasitic worms and other disease-causing organisms (Abrahams, 2002; Dominy et al., 2004).

Another direct link between soil and human health occurs through inhalation. People inhale soil dusts inside their houses and by just walking in the street. The amount of inhaled dusts under normal conditions is generally low and thus is not harmful. But very dusty environments can cause lung problems. Also inhalation of even small amounts of the fibrous dust of serpentine and amphibole minerals commercially called asbestos is dangerous in that it can cause diseases and even cancer.

Abrahams, P.W. 2002. Soils: their implications to human health. The Science of the Total Environment 291: 1-32.
Dominy N.J., E. Davoust, and M. Minekus. 2004. Adaptive function of soil consumption: an in vitro study modeling the human stomach and small intestine. Journal of Experimental Biology 207: 319-324.
Logan, T.J. 2000. Soils and environmental quality. In: Handbook of Soil Science (M.E. Sumner, ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp: G155-G169.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting topic. A co-master student from our faculty of Bioscience Engineering(Ghent University)had presented a case in Equador.I also read an article that Geophagy is also practiced in some southeast asian contries like Indonesia.

    I also came across a review article by Wilson (2004) on the clay mineralogy and some related characteristics of geophagic materials..
