Sunday, January 10, 2021

Where have all the students gone?

In March 2020 last year, because of the worsening Covid-19 pandemic, the Philippine education officials suspended the classes in all schools, and students were advised to go home. Suddenly, the normally vibrant university and college campuses have turned into empty and lonely places. At the Visayas State University in Baybay City, Leyte, where more than half of the university student population reside in dormitories inside the campus, the impact of the indefinite suspension of classes has been dramatic. The campus appears desolate. The only positive effect of the pandemic is the regeneration of the natural environment. One wonders where the students have gone, and when they are coming back. Below are some photos of some parts of the 100-hectare campus that I have taken during this pandemic:

This is the main street in the lower campus after entering the gate. On normal days, traffic is heavy here.

This is the old Palomaria street that goes straight to the beach, a normally busy street before 
the pandemic.

The street near the guest house, apartelle, and pavilion where tourists can be seen strolling.

The normally very busy intersection near the Ecopark, Agronomy and Soil Science, 
College of Management and Economics, and University Library.

The street leading to the Cocofed dormitories. Before the suspension of classes, 
students filled this street even during evenings and weekends.

The VSU beach along the Camotes Sea. On a fine day before the pandemic, the beach 
was the favorite hangout for students and tourists.

The VSU beach resort. Before the pandemic, the resort was always fully booked for weddings, 
birthdays, reunions, and conferences.

1 comment:

  1. Hoping this pandemic will end very soon, Sir. Missing those days where VSU campus is filled with busy students, staffs, and faculties.
